If your child requires medication to be administered during the school day please print out and complete a copy of the medical form below. (9/06/F01). Alternatively, you can complete a paper copy from the school office.  

Please see below for some key points to be aware of when bringing any medication to school: 

  • Parents/carers are responsible for supplying information about medicines that need to be taken in school and for letting the school know of any changes to the prescription or the support needed.
  • School staff cannot administer prescribed or non-prescribed medication to any pupil without Form 9/06/F01. 
  • Prescribed medication will only be accepted in the original packaging where it states: 
    • The prescribed pupil’s name 
    • Name of medication 
    • Instructions for administration to the named pupil 
  • An adult must always be responsible for bringing any medication to school and for collecting it at the end of the school day. School staff cannot not return medication to a child.